Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Album Review:Anchor-Colton Dixon

I realized that you guys seemed to like my "Music!" post, and that was by far the most fun to write, so I decided to add album reviews into my crazy mix on here. Since this is my first full review, I will be brief but as adequate as possible.
Colton Dixon's new album "Anchor" stays consistent with his freshman album "A Messenger" in the sense of guitar-laden choruses and general rock genre; yet has some additions such as the tribal vocals in the 24 second "-35.8438,-86.4518".
The vocals in S.O.S. give me the impression of traveling a long journey, compacted in a time-span of 1:02 minutes. I felt the slight shock of hopelessness, hence the name "S.O.S.". The multi-vocals towards the end made the time seem to come faster, as if a multitude was traveling towards me, then rushing over and passing me; the voices fading into the pause before the next track.
2:"Our Time is Now"
The steady bass a few seconds in is great, but when it's the change at the chorus that really gets me. The beat makes me feel like I need to either hit the ground running or execute some pretty serious electric-guitar riffs to accompany that sweet drumming! Drawing out the "now" on the second chorus and then chopping it up, so to speak, gives you an even jumpier feeling. Not the best to listen to before you go to bed; but great before kicking off a mission trip or needing a boost.
"Let's put our stake in the ground
All the pain, all the shame
Have you had enough of it?
Are you ready for the change?..."
3:"Walk on the Waves"
This time, the electric guitar seems to lead the intro, but Colton's vocals really take it to the next level. The length of the notes in the chorus and the excessive* drumming makes me very anxious to hear "WOTW" in concert! The soft waves in both the beginning and end of the song really tie the track together, in my opinion.
*:that's a good thing, by the way. my dad and grandfather were both drummers, so I can definitely appreciate a good smashing on the drums.
"Open your eyes
Lift up your face
He's got your hands
Your heart, your life
So don't be afraid
To walk on the waves..."
The soft-spoken lyrics and light piano right off the bat gives you a welcomed change; a calm break just before the rock comes in. Also, the drums, and to a lesser extent, guitar, are secondary. The track slowly builds, so you're somewhat accustomed to it by the time you're reach the chorus. Also, the "I need an anchor" at the ending of the chorus is in a much lower key, distinguishing the song from track three and two.
"See lightning tearing up the sky
My darkest fears are on the rise
But so is my undying faith..."
This is a slight change from the normal rock-vibe of Colton's songs, and in my opinion, it's welcomed. I absolutely love rock myself, but this may give the album a wider audience. Even though this song is definitely pop, Colton still manages to stay true to his sound and have just enough normality without making the album monotonous.
"Beyond our imperfections
Trying to cut through the noise
I stand a broken man
Who longs to be Your voice..."
This mini-track has a very tribal sound. I've got to say though, its placement on the album is a little strange. "More of You" is next, and the transfer from one song to the other is slightly confusing, in my opinion.
7:"More of You"
Ok, this is definitely my favorite song on the album. The beginning is amazing, the echoing drum beats really starts it off. The lighter mood seeps though the end of the second chorus. It gives the song a very worshipful feel. Also, the music video for the song is perfect(and I must say, Colton's rocking that guy-liner. will we be seeing more of that in the future...?)
"All to You
I surrender
All to You my blessed savior
I surrender all..."
8:"Loud and Clear"
This is a very loud song; laying heavy on electric guitars and vocals. The lyrics remind me of "Ain't it Fun" by Paramore in the sense of calling someone out, so to speak. Apparently after the second chorus is the sweet spot for the songs on this album, and this track does not disappoint. The guitar solo's are phenomenal, as well as the vocals.
"Truth hurts but it heals too
No comfort is comfortable to you..."
9:"Fool's Gold"
The piano and light-yet-steady bass drum is very mysterious, and even when the faster, louder chorus comes up, the piano is still going steady in the background. The lyrics "take off your blindfold" and "smoke and mirrors" add to the mystery and magical theme of this track. The ending of simple vocals and light piano finish the song off perfectly.
"There's positively definitely gotta be more
Than a life filled with greed behind locked doors
Cause even our most coveted treasures
Are really only temporary pleasures..."
10:"Dare to Believe"
The beginning is filled with clapping and electronics, giving it a very Adam Young feel. It's the lyrics, however, that I'm loving the most. It makes me realize that our God is so amazing and powerful, and I feel so joy-filled at His works (God's). Even simply reading the lyrics brings on this effect, and I think that's the best accomplishment of any Christian artist.
"I will dare to believe
That You are the Savior
Living in me
And I know You always will be..."
11:"Through All of It"
This song is a very real and personal story from the artist; and I think it's so admirable how Colton put himself out there like that. The song is a story of trial, hope, and the consistency of God's love. As for the musical aspect, I'm partial to violins, and I think it sets the mood brilliantly.
"All these years of our lives
I, I look back and I see You
Right now I still do
And I'm always going to..."
I think this is the anthem of every true Believer. This track is perfect for when you need spiritual encouragement. I could really see Colton's heart towards God in this track. Yet again, the end of the second chorus is my favorite part! The general beat is so different yet so relevant to the original pace of the song. Keeping a good rhythm throughout the section, another chorus, then going back to the rhythm was genius.
"Limitless, limitless
The power of love
Alive in us
Is limitless, limitless
Unstoppable and nothing less..."
13:"Back to Life"
 This song has constantly on repeat on my iPod, mainly because I see nothing greater in the music genre than going from a harsh beat, then to soft piano and vocals. The chorus plays a very jumpy tempo, then slightly slower, giving a fabulous head-banging/fist pumping rhythm that I saw at Colton's performance during Winter Jam. Also, the constant high-energy drumming would be great to see live!
"I'm down to zero
With a God-shaped hole
I need a hero, I need a hero..."
14:"This Isn't the End"
The beginning piano and electronics mesh nicely with the drum beats following. The chorus is similar to previous tracks, but the high note on the last "end" really gives you a lighter feeling; making it something you haven't heard before. Actually, throught the track, the nicely-distributed high-notes refresh the song on the whole. The ending note is in my opinion, genius. The abrupt ending leaves your mind is still left in the song, so you're still thinking of it a few seconds after.
"There's a pain that makes you stronger
There's a faith that holds you close
Don't be afraid to let your weakness show
(You're not made of stone)..."
I take my hat off to Colton Dixon and his band(Jared Martin,Rhett Noland,Devin Dexter, and David Ditrich) for their phemonenal work on this album! I totally recommend buying Anchor :)
Ashton Leigh Xx
PS: follow on insta! @greenteaandvogue

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Jesus at a Sleepover

Ok, so I went to my friend's Sweet Sixteen party/sleepover last night, and it was so cool! Including me and her, there were five girls, and we had never met each other before (obviously except for the birthday girl). We went to the pool, came back to the house, and ate pizza while discussing the hunger games and Tom Hiddleston. It was about 10:30 P.M when she opened her presents, then her family went to bed and we hung out downstairs. A game of truth and dare broke out, but the conversation kept getting "sidetracked" to one specific topic:God. All these girls professed to be Christians, and it began to show in their speech. We finally gave up truth and dare at 12:00 and went full-force into Jesus-centered conversations. One girl after another( me included) poured out their testimony, and I believe all of us pulled encouragement from the stories. Biblical questions followed soon after, which led to many similar beliefs being revealed. The more we talked, the more encouragement we gave each other. Thinking we would go to bed in "half an hour or so", new topics kept coming long into the early morning. Soon, someone pointed out the dawn seeping through the blinds. I checked the time, and realized it was 6:52 A.M... we had been talking about our faith for almost 7 hours! We all laughed, but it was so cool to realize that we had done that, or rather, God had. Sure, we talked about boys, ate rather fattening foods, and fangirled over fictional characters; but Jesus had ultimately taken over the Sweet Sixteen sleepover. Too hyped up to sleep, we went upstairs to the hostess's room to check our phones and nod off till it was time to leave.
So we had pulled an all-nighter, and I now have bags under my eyes that I didn't know existed. It was, however, so rewarding to tell that one of the girls that she wasn't alone, to share my story, and to be able to share our faith so openly and without interruptions.
Ashton Leigh Xx 

God's Plan for You-Kyle and Kelsey

Felt like someone needed to hear this. :) God truly does care for us, much more than any human ever could. Kelsey and Kyle Kupecky really have a real fire for God, and their YouTube series is very helpful and cool :)
Ashton Leigh Xx

Friday, August 15, 2014

Quiet Time

So last night before I went to bed, I had quiet-time with God. Now it's very rare that me and quiet-time are grouped together; I'm usually preoccupied with daily life. Very rarely do I just sit, you know? But I should never be "too busy" for God. I always try to read my Bible(quickly)before I go to bed, and last night was no exception. I was tired, irritable, and so ready for sleep. I prayed,as always, for Him to show me what He wanted me to se that night, then opened my Bible to a random page. It was Psalm 85, and that passage has so many notes surrounding it. My "notes" can be anything from underlining,the date , or simply just praises. I smiled as I read through the many praises and petitions that I had written to Him on those two pages. "Please", "thank you", "yes", and many more scribbled, simple words were written; with a arrow pointing to the verse. It really blessed me, because I had written those things when I had been going through a tough time; and it was so cool to look back and see all that God has done in my life between the time I had written those things and now. I thanked Him, wrote some new "notes" on those pages, then got out my notebook and write what was in my heart. 
         Have you ever had a God-moment like that? It's truly amazing. He wants to her from you,you know, and shower you with His love,but you must be willing to spend time in prayer, then simply be still. Just something to think on before you go rush off somewhere.

Ashton Leigh Xx

Thursday, August 7, 2014


First off, this was my favorite post to write so far, and I worked VERY hard on it, so I hope you enjoy! :)

Ok, so everyone who knows me knows I love music, but not many people know that I love ALL KINDS. Ranging from rap to indie, my Spotify has it all! here are some of my favs :)


No doubt this is one of my favorite genres, especially because my favorite part of music is the beat; but rap is deffenitly more than that. The words, especially in Christian rap, are so powerful and heart-felt. I don't doubt you'll find out more about the artist in those 3 1/2 minutes of the song then you would over a 2 hr. dinner with them. Lecrae is especially my favorite (I even met him briefly at Winter Jam this past year :) , but Andy Mineo and Trip Lee are showing up more and more on my playlist.
1: I'm Turnt, Lecrae
2: Never Land, Andy Mineo
3: Joyful Noise, Flame ft. Lecrae
4: One Sixteen, Trip Lee
5:Church Clap, KB


Indie is perfect for the inner hipster in all of us, and rock is fun to dance around to when no one's looking (and when they are). Switchfoot is one of my favorite bands right now, and I'm praying they'll be at Winter Jam this year. Also, their new movie, "Fading West" is on my rainy day watch-list (which is mainly when I look at movies). When i met At The Wayside at a local concert, I quickly became a fan and have been ever since. Their music is great just to listen to, but to really exerience all the band has to offer, you should really see them in concert and meet them, if possible. They're the sweetest group of guys, and I'm really looking forward to their new music video! And last but not least: The Birdsongs. I found out about The Birdsongs around three months ago, and what really supprised me was the heart-felt composition of their songs. "So Much More" and "Pieces (Hold On)" especially impressed me.
1:Saltwater Heart, Switchfoot
2: Breathe Easy, At The Wayside
3: Pieces(Hold On), The Birdsongs
4: Let It Out, Switchfoot
5: Keep Your Eyes Open, NEEDTOBREATHE

 3: POP


Ok, so first, can we just take a minute to admire how fab Anthem Lights look in those tuxes?...
um, anyway, pop is SO fun to blast when you're in the car, because impromptu singing almost always follows, and what's better then having people staring at you like you're insane? Anthem Lights is another one of my favorite bands, and I'm also hoping for them to be at Winter Jam this year (as you can see, I love Winter Jam :). I think it's so refreshing to see a group of guys who encourage girls to be MODEST for a change, don't you? And not only that, but they do covers of secular songs, omitting all the dirty and suggestive things (and of course, singing it near-perfectly :).
-Colton Dixon I did have to pleasure of meeting, but in a very, um, fangirl way.
    So me and my three girl friends (and our best guy friend who would go along with anything) were at, you guessed it, Winter Jam. Between performances,we saw Colton standing at the performer's entrance; a few feet away from a empty section behind the stage. My friends and I looked at eachother, then all ran through the arena to the section; praying security wouldn't stop us. Miraculously, they didn't, so we sat down a couple feet above Colton. We were all giggling and waving (except for my guy friend, who just sat there and said,"sup."). Poor Colton looked up, smiled at us cautiously, then awkwardly stared ahead.
...The most awesome and awkward five minutes of the day.
   Ok, so back to the music. From the first 30 seconds of Colton Dixon's songs, you can tell how on fire he is for the Lord. also, he is amazing in concert! You wouldn't expect it, but at one point he got up on the piano and started head-banging! It was so cool, and of course the crowd ate it up.
-Jamie Grace's music is equally powerful, and when I listen to her music; I feel so empowered and God-filled. There aren't many young women on the Christian scene, so it's cool to see her going full-force for Christ. I was SO excited to hear her new album, and there is, in my opinion, the perfect balance of light songs as well as deep ones.
1: Dear Hollywood, Anthem Lights
2: Beautiful Day, Jamie Grace
3: Dare To Believe, Colton Dixon
4: Hide Your Love Away, Anthem Lights
5: More Of You, Colton Dixon
6: Love Like Crazy, One Girl Nation

Isn't there that one (or five) song(s) that you feel too old to love, but still do? Well, after some deep, DEEP soul-searching, I decided to share my top four :).
1: Getch'a Head In The Game, High School Musical
2: In Summer, Frozen
3: Someday, Rags Cast
                                            4: Do You Want To Build A Snowman, Frozen

I really hope you liked this post,and please be sure to check out all these amazing artists and their songs! Almost all of the songs I mentioned are on the music player located on the top of the blog page, so you can listen while you read my posts :).
-Ashton Leigh Xx


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

brandy melville look-alike pocket T

Ok, so recently I've been obsessed with Brandy Melville, but I simply CAN'T afford the prices! So I've been googling ways to DIY the styles,and I found some pretty cool ones. In this post,I'm going to show you how to make your own Pocket T-Shirt.

-a cool-patterned fabric
-glue gun
-a plain t-shirt(not too precious)
-a piece of cardboard that is large but can still fit into your shirt

Ps: Sorry for the blurry pics, I took them with my iPod camera; and obviously,be careful when using scissors and a glue gun :)

1: When the glue gun's ready, glue a small strip along the first edge, making sure to leave room for the fold.

2: Take your finger and gently fold the fabric over onto the glue; firm enough to make it hold temporarily.

3: Push the side of the pen down fairly hard on the fold, sealing it in place.
Note: It doesn't matter if some of the glue comes out, you won't see this part anyway.

4: Repeat to the surrounding corners, leaving the bottom for last.

5: put on your t-shirt and mark where you want the pocket.
Note: Since this shirt shouldn't be washed after this DIY, you should mark the spot directly under where the pocket should be placed.

6: Glue around the edges, place firmly on the shirt, and you are done!
Hope it helped!
-Ashton Leigh Xx