Friday, August 15, 2014

Quiet Time

So last night before I went to bed, I had quiet-time with God. Now it's very rare that me and quiet-time are grouped together; I'm usually preoccupied with daily life. Very rarely do I just sit, you know? But I should never be "too busy" for God. I always try to read my Bible(quickly)before I go to bed, and last night was no exception. I was tired, irritable, and so ready for sleep. I prayed,as always, for Him to show me what He wanted me to se that night, then opened my Bible to a random page. It was Psalm 85, and that passage has so many notes surrounding it. My "notes" can be anything from underlining,the date , or simply just praises. I smiled as I read through the many praises and petitions that I had written to Him on those two pages. "Please", "thank you", "yes", and many more scribbled, simple words were written; with a arrow pointing to the verse. It really blessed me, because I had written those things when I had been going through a tough time; and it was so cool to look back and see all that God has done in my life between the time I had written those things and now. I thanked Him, wrote some new "notes" on those pages, then got out my notebook and write what was in my heart. 
         Have you ever had a God-moment like that? It's truly amazing. He wants to her from you,you know, and shower you with His love,but you must be willing to spend time in prayer, then simply be still. Just something to think on before you go rush off somewhere.

Ashton Leigh Xx

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